Benefits of Collagen & Best Places To Get It!

Benefits of Collagen & Best Places To Get It!

Collagen has been emerging as a popular supplement over the past few years, and for good reason! It turns out our ancestors may have known a thing or two about the power of utilizing the whole animal for our body’s health and wellbeing, including that special substance that makes our skin and bones so strong. 

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You’re Not Just What You Eat; Why Our Current System is Making Us Sicker

You’re Not Just What You Eat; Why Our Current System is Making Us Sicker

“You are what your food eats.” We take in all of the nutrients (and anti-nutrients in some cases like hormones, bad bacteria, and antibiotics) from the foods we eat, which is why it is so important to understand where the quality of our food fits into our priorities.

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How Do You Like Your Grass-fed Steak? Delicious and Regenerative.

How Do You Like Your Grass-fed Steak? Delicious and Regenerative.

Cooking grass-fed beef differs slightly than cooking grain-fed, conventional beef. The importance of knowing the differences between the two can preserve the flavors and tenderness of the meat during the cooking process.  Compared to grain-fed, cattle that are pasture-raised from start to finish are naturally leaner and contain more healthy fats. The true difference is attributed to the animal’s lifestyle. Grain-fed cattle receive little or no exercise while grass-fed cattle are healthy and considerably more active, resulting in beautiful muscle quality. The meat requires gentler cooking to protect the integrity of those muscle fibers. Cooking with lower cooking temperatures and...

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We are excited to announce that the DoubleP Ranch (our home ranch) has been certified by the Audubon Society. This certification recognizes that our products are produced with bird-friendly land-management practices!

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