REP Provisions
REP Provisions

Which Beef has the Best Fatty Acid Profile?

REP’s Regenerative Grass-finished Beef Compared to USDA Conventional and Grass-Fed Beef

Nutritionists agree eating a 1:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for optimal health and wellness. They’re called essential fatty acids because you can only get them through diet, your body can’t make them on its own. The problem is that beef from conventional agricultural practices grows faster but the result is unnatural and unhealthy fat ratios. This outcome is driven by corporate balance sheets and not with your health in mind. Our beef changes the game. It's not only good for you but it's good for the planet too.

REP Provisions
REP Provisions
REP’s regenerative beef: Our Regenerative Grass-fed & Finished beef has the same ratio as our ancestors ate. Although we’ve evolved, our dietary requirements haven’t. USDA conventionally raised beef has 800% more omega-6’s than us. Diets high in omega-6’s lead to inflammation and chronic disease. While grass-fed is a better alternative to feedlot beef, we still have them beat. Nutritional value really does start from the ground up. Dig deeper.
REP Provisions
REP Provisions

Regenerative 101 FAQs

Regenerative Agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to farming and food production. To put it simply, it’s a way of raising animals that benefit nature and improve the land they live on. We believe that happy prairies are the key to healthy people and we are doing everything we can to make sure they stay that way.

Regenerative agriculture focuses on: topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, carbon sequestration, improving water-cycles, and ecological restoration.


Regenerative meat is simply meat that was raised by farmers using holistic practices on land that is regenerating and becoming healthier over time. The term "regenerative meat" is more about how the animals were raised and how the land was managed than about the meat itself.

Regenerative agriculture describes holistic farming systems that, among other benefits, improve water and air quality, enhance ecosystem biodiversity, produce nutrient-dense food, and store carbon to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

At REP we are also seeing that these changes create better tasting food with higher nutrient-densities. The product is more flavorful and it's better for you. Our beef was tested by Michigan State University and has some incredible benefits.

The Savory Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, that audits and verifies our regenerative efforts. If our scientific datasets indicate that the land is regenerating and becoming healthier - we are able to claim the Land to Market Verification and implement their L2M Seal on our products.

Savory Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Boulder, Colorado with 54 regional learning Hubs around the globe. Founded in 2009, the Institute has trained over 14,000 farmers, ranchers, and pastoralists and influenced management of over 17 Million hectares of grasslands through the adoption of Holistic Planned Grazing – a process that mimics ancestral grazing patterns of wild herbivores that co-evolved with healthy grassland ecosystems. Developed by Allan Savory in the 1960’s, Holistic Management (HM) has been proven in a wide variety of contexts to regenerate grasslands, build soil, increase biodiversity, and sequester significant amounts of carbon while also improving social and economic outcomes.

A leader in the regenerative agriculture movement, Land to Market is the world's first outcomes-based verified regenerative sourcing solution.

The program's Land to Market Verified seal has attracted some of the world's leading consumer packaged goods companies, apparel brands and retailers.

A program of the Savory Institute, Land to Market uses a science-based approach working directly with raw material producers to enhance transparency and traceability mechanisms across the entire value chain.

Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) is the science inside the Savory Institutes Land to Market Program. It was developed in collaboration with leading soil scientists, ecologists, agronomists, and an extensive network of regenerative land managers around the world. EOV is a practical and scalable soil and landscape assessment methodology that tracks outcomes in biodiversity, soil health, and ecosystem function (water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow and community dynamics).


EOV™ was developed by Savory Institute in collaboration with Michigan State University, Texas A&M, Ovis 21, The Nature Conservancy, and an extensive network of regenerative land managers around the world.

Through photosynthesis healthy grassland ecosystems remove carbon from the atmosphere and store in the soil (where it belongs!). In order to maximise the carbon sequestering capacity of these thriving grasslands the symbiotic presence of grazing animals is required. As a result when managed in nature’s image cattle, bison and other ruminant animals have the ability to enrich a system that reverses climate change.

Grass-finished comes from animals that ate nothing but grass and forage for their entire lives. Grass-fed, on the other hand, may be used to label meat from animals that were started on a grass diet but have either received supplemental grain feed or are finished on a fully grain-based diet. Grass-fed does not mean that the animal spent any time in a pasture, they could have been fed hay in a feedlot. 100% Grass-fed is NOT the same as grass-finished and pasture-raised. Our beef is 100% Grass Fed and grass finished, raised on pasture their entire lives.