Cooking the Perfect Grass Fed Beef Steak
Cooking grass-fed beef differs slightly than cooking grain-fed, conventional beef. The importance of knowing the differences between the two can preserve the flavors and tenderness of the meat during the cooking process. Compared to grain-fed, cattle that are pasture-raised from start to finish are naturally leaner and contain more healthy fats. The true difference is attributed to the animal’s lifestyle. Grain-fed cattle receive little or no exercise while grass-fed cattle are healthy and considerably more active, resulting in beautiful muscle quality. The meat requires gentler cooking to protect the integrity of those muscle fibers. Cooking with lower cooking temperatures and...
The Monarch Butterfly – A Migration in Peril
Each year North America’s Monarch butterfly migration begins in the spring and ends in the fall. It is one of the more unique and amazing phenomena in the insect world. The Monarch is the only butterfly known to make a two-way migration as birds do. As spring temperatures warm up and the days begin to get longer the “migratory” generation of Monarchs begin their long migration back to North America after overwintering in one small mountain range in Michoacán State, Mexico. Each successive generation will travel farther north and will take 3-4 generations to reach the Northern United States and...
Top 10 Health Benefits of Pecans
Why did we choose the Pecan to make our nut butter? There are multiple reasons but one of the biggest reasons is they are native to our region and they have a positive impact on our ecosystems.
REP Provisions is Invited to the Kroger Innovation Summit
REP Provisions participated in The Kroger Innovation Summit. The Kroger Innovation Summit is an invite only event that includes a very highly curated set of brands that are potential game-changers and innovators in the natural foods space.
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