Regeneratively raised beef clearly beats feedlot, but you may still be wondering why our beef is better than plain old grass-fed; they’re both still eating grass after all.
At its core, regenerative agriculture is about improving the overall health of the land, year after year. Our soils are healthier, and that means the grass our cows feed on is more nutrient-dense.
We’re committed to biodiversity, above and below ground. Whereas most grass-fed cows eat one to two varieties of grass, our cows consume somewhere between 60 to 70 different species. Diversity in their diet produces a heart healthy beef product with the optimal fatty acid profile.
What’s a Fatty Acid Profile?
A fatty acid profile compares the amount of omega-6’s to omega-3’s. Both are considered key players in our bodies ability to perform critical cellular functions and maintain overall health.
For context, our hunter gatherer ancestors ate a fatty acid ratio of 1:1, whereas Americans today consume a ratio of 20:1 or even higher.
This 2000% increase in omega-6’s causes substantial imbalance and inflammation in our bodies. Before we go into what that means for you, here’s a quick and easy breakdown of the omega fatty acids.
What are Omega Fatty Acids?
A group of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) that commonly occur in meat, eggs, fish, algae, nuts, and seeds.
They’re called essential fatty acids because your body needs them to perform various cellular functions, but you can only get them from diet. Your body cannot make them on its own.
What are Omega-3’s?
Omega-3’s act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents in the body. Heart healthy, these fatty acids play a role in everything from gene transcription, to mental health.
- ALA (alpha linolenic acid) : Produced in the chloroplasts of green plants like grass or algae, ALA is a powerful antioxidant that’s essential for aerobic metabolism.
- DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) : A key component of all cell membranes, DHA constitutes 40% of the total PUFAs in your brain and 60% of your retina, making it extremely important for brain and eye health.
Studies show that children whose mothers consumed higher amounts of DHA during pregnancy developed stronger problem solving skills, and scored more highly on hand eye coordination tests.
- EPA (Eicosapentaeonoic acid) : Commonly found in cold-water fish like salmon, EPA may reduce the risk of heart attacks, and acts as a powerful anti-depressant and anti-anxiety. Our beef contains 2 to 6 times more EPA than the meat of wild game.
What are Omega-6’s?
Omega-6’s act as inflammatory agents in the body. When in balance with omega-3’s, they promote healthy immune response and blood clotting, however, when imbalanced they lead to inflammatory diseases such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and more.
• LA (linoleic acid) : Required for normal neurodevelopment and physiological processes, research shows that people are eating up to 7 times more than necessary. This is due in part to the overwhelming dietary increase in seed and nut oils.
How Eating a Diet High in Omega-6’s Affects My Health?
Studies show eating a high ratio of omega-6/omega-3 leads to chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
Take a moment to consider a person in your life who’s suffering from chronic illness. Statistically speaking, more than one likely came to mind.
In the USA alone, chronic diseases are the number one cause of death and disability. 90% of the nation's 40.1 trillion dollars in annual healthcare costs are spent treating people with chronic conditions and mental health issues.
The good news is, eating a nutritious and balanced diet is one of the most impactful decisions you can make today to prevent chronic health issues, and optimize your quality of life.
Which Beef has the Best Fatty Acid Profile?
REP’s Regenerative Beef Compared to USDA Conventional and Grass-Fed Beef
Scientists and nutritionists alike agree our beef matches the optimal fatty acid ratio we’ve evolved to eat. Although humans have changed in many ways, our dietary requirements haven’t. It’s also a comparable source of omega-3’s to ocean-grade fish.
USDA conventionally raised beef has 800% more omega-6’s than us. As discussed, diets high in omega-6’s lead to inflammation and chronic disease.
While grass-fed is a better alternative to feedlot beef, we still have them beat. Nutritional value really does start from the ground up. Dig deeper.
Why Feedlot Beef Has 800% Higher Omega-6’s?
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” To find out why USDA conventional beef has sky high omega-6 levels, you have to ask yourself, what do feedlot cows eat?
The answer: grains, particularly corn.
Per serving, corn has one of the highest omega-6/omega-3 ratios of all foods. When cows eat a feedlot diet, their meat actually becomes inflamed.
Grasses on the other hand contain 60% omega-3’s. The table below illustrates the substantial loss overtime of antioxidant rich omega-3 fatty acids in cows sent to feedlots from pasture.
Health Benefits REP’s Regenerative Beef
See why nutritionists, mothers, and fitness coaches alike prefer REP’s regenerative beef. Our customers say they can actually feel and taste the difference.
Best Beef on the Planet
Mouthwatering and tender, regenerative beef also contains a slew of important essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, some of which you actually can’t get from a diet of plants alone.
Because our cattle are so healthy, we never use antibiotics. Not only can antibiotics actually alter the chemical makeup of the soil, killing soil biology, but also breed deadly superbugs which cause foodborne illness.
Regenerative ranching honors the deeply interconnected relationship between all living things, and stewards the land to strengthen these bonds. Our cattle improve the health of the land, people, and the planet. Nutritionally tested and verified regenerative, finally beef you can feel good about.
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