REP Pasture-Raised Chicken Quarters (4)

A flavorful choice for any dark meat dish. 100% Pasture-raised and soy-free chicken quarters (leg+thigh).

• 4 x Chicken Leg Quarters (approx 8oz each)
Listed weights are an average and may vary slightly.

Hatched, Pasture-Raised & Harvested on Farm.100% NO Soy, Antibiotics or Hormones.2-Day Shipping & Safe Arrival Guarantee.

Pasture-Raised with Pride.

Our chickens get all the good stuff like: clean air, sunshine, exercise and fresh grass daily. None of the bad stuff like hormones, antibiotics or concrete floors. We love that our farmers made the decision to partner with nature - so you can have chicken with 300% more Omega 3's and 50% more Vitamin A. Oh... and flavor so good you can't put a number to it.

Pasture-Raised Chicken vs. Factory Farmed Chicken:

• Pasture-Raised has 300% more Omega 3's
• Pasture-Raised has 50% more Vitamin A + E
• Pasture-Raised has 21% less Saturated Fat
• Pasture-Raised has 50% more Creatine

Our Farms: are chemical free; no pesticides, no herbicides, no fertilizers.

Our Birds: 100% Soy Free, NO antibiotics, steroids, hormones or mRna vaccines.

Our chickens only receive non-gmo heirloom corn during the first week of their life. Once they are capable of hunting bugs & grubs they no-longer get a corn supplement.

As part of our mission to create a transparent food system you can look at our food lab analysis here.

Our chickens are hatched, pasture-raised & processed on a single family farm.

PASTURE-RAISED: Our chickens are pasture-raised year-round, where they have constant access to fresh grasses, bugs, seeds, and worms. They’re rotated to new pasture daily, ensuring a healthy, natural diet, all without a single antibiotic or drug ever used. This lifestyle creates richer and more flavorful chicken.

Our family farms believe in the regenerative benefits of pasture-raised livestock for the health of our land, animals, and community. The result is chicken with deep, traditional flavor, packed with nutrients and produced in an environmentally conscious way.

CONVENTIONAL-RAISED: Chickens live their entire lives indoors on a constant supply of corn and soy. The chickens are grown so quickly that the rich and varied flavor cannot fully develop - resulting in a bland tasteless product.


Our subscription option is there for your convenience and it does have some benefits.

• Subscribers SAVE 10% on every order. That adds up big over time. Your grocery store can't do that.
• We save back inventory for subscribing customers. What does that mean? It means you always get the cuts you want.
• We send an email 3 days prior to shipping so you can modify, edit, pause or skip.
• Lastly, there are no commitments. You can login and modify, edit, skip or cancel anytime.
• There is also a subscriber portal that has sales only available to subscribing customers.
• You receive your order on your schedule. It's just one less thing you have to remember.

• Once we have your order ready to ship, we use 2-Day UPS Shipping. Your package will arrive in 2-3 business days from the time it is shipped.
• We only ship on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and occasionally Thursdays.

Please reach out through our Chat Feature on the website and we will be able to answer this based on your order and your location.

Link to your shipping policy.

We guarantee that your order will arrive safe and cold to the home address on your account when the orders is first placed. We at REP Provisions stand behind our farmers, our products and our service.

CLICK HERE to see the full details and refund policy.

Pasture-raised poultry thrives outdoors, foraging naturally for better flavor and nutrition while supporting soil health and sustainability.

ONE FOR 100 Initiative

For every box sold we sow 100 milkweed plants. Milkweed is critical for Monarch Butterflies to survive and complete their migration.

Food Transparency

The only place where you can see & follow your food on social and look at the lab results yourself. We think you should know about the things you put in your body.

Is this what chicken is supposed to taste like?


LMAO I am flummoxed. The difference in taste texture and quality between this and what you get at the grocery store is shocking. It’s delicious, better for you, better for the planet, and a good price compared to regular “organic” offerings at my store. I’m a huge fan!

Cristina W. - Verified Customer