The Skinny on Fat

The Skinny on Fat

For centuries, our ancestors lived off of animal proteins and foraged foods like berries and different vegetables. Over the years, many health officials have recommended we lay off foods high in saturated fat, which includes red meat, eggs, and even coconut oil. What all of a sudden makes these foods that, for thousands of years, have sustained us now deleterious to our health? Truthfully, it comes down to an outdated misunderstanding of the way fat is processed and stored within the human body, and how this affects cholesterol levels. So let’s start there, and then maybe we’ll have less of...

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Benefits of Collagen & Best Places To Get It!

Benefits of Collagen & Best Places To Get It!

Collagen has been emerging as a popular supplement over the past few years, and for good reason! It turns out our ancestors may have known a thing or two about the power of utilizing the whole animal for our body’s health and wellbeing, including that special substance that makes our skin and bones so strong. 

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You’re Not Just What You Eat; Why Our Current System is Making Us Sicker

You’re Not Just What You Eat; Why Our Current System is Making Us Sicker

“You are what your food eats.” We take in all of the nutrients (and anti-nutrients in some cases like hormones, bad bacteria, and antibiotics) from the foods we eat, which is why it is so important to understand where the quality of our food fits into our priorities.

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Be Organic Podcast - The True Cost of Food with Eric Perner

Be Organic Podcast - The True Cost of Food with Eric Perner

We have heard the downfalls of conventional farming when it comes to human and planet health - So what do we do about this? What is regenerative agriculture? Today, we sit down with regenerative expert and cattle rancher Eric Perner to discuss the current condition of our agricultural practices and what changes we can make. 

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