The Complete Guide to Organ Meats – REP Provisions

The Complete Guide to Organ Meats – REP Provisions

What are Organ Meats? 

Once commonplace, organ meats are making their comeback  in the culinary world and in your kitchen. Sometimes referred to as “offal,” organ meats are the various organs of animals eaten by humans.

Considered superfoods by many, organ meats are more nutrient-dense than muscle meat – full of bioavailable vitamins and minerals, enzymes, healthy fats, and amino acids.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Organ Meats 

  1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption 

  2. Elevated Energy Levels 

  3. Mood Improvement 

  4. Stronger Bones 

  5. Improved Exercise Performance 

    Nutrients in Beef Heart and Beef Liver 

    A modest portion of beef liver or heart packs a powerful nutritional punch, providing the recommended Daily Value for several essential nutrients and often boasting higher vitamin content than many fruits and vegetables.

    Organ meats provide an effortless way to fulfill your family's daily nutritional needs – check the list below for the full nutritional profile. 


    What Nutrients do Organ Meats Provide? 

    Copper, Biotin, and CoQ10

    • Copper: Essential trace element for healthy bones, nerves, immune function, iron absorption, and collagen formation.
    • Biotin (Vitamin B7): Supports hair, nails, and skin health.
    • Coenzyme Q10: Found abundantly in animal hearts this enzyme is crucial for a smoothly functioning metabolism as well as energy production.

    Natural Digestive Enzymes: Lipase, Protease, Amylase

    • Animal hearts are rich in enzymes that break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates supporting smooth digestion. 

    Riboflavin, Folate, and Choline

    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Converts food into energy, supports liver function, red blood cells, and combats free radicals.
    • Folate: Organ meats are a very rich source of this B-group vitamin. Everyone needs folate, but it’s especially important for pregnant women to prevent birth defects. 
    • Choline: Vital for muscle, liver, and brain health, regulating mood, memory, and muscle control.

    Vitamin B12

    • Bioavailable B12, almost exclusively found in animal products, is essential for cell division, red blood cell formation, neurotransmitter synthesis, and exercise performance.

    Anserine, Carnosine, Taurine, and L-carnitine

    • Abundant in beef organs; these nutrients support heart, immune, muscular, metabolic, and neurological health, with their anti-inflammatory properties.

    Peptides: Cellular Health and Function

    • Peptides: Short amino acids naturally found in beef organ meats support various biological processes and optimal cellular functioning.

    Vitamins A, D, E, K2

    • Vitamin A: Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health. It supports the maintenance of healthy tissues and cellular communication.
    • Vitamin D: Crucial for calcium absorption, bone health, and immune system support. Additionally aids in  regulating mood and reduces the risk of certain diseases.
    • Vitamin E: Acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative damage. Supports glowing skin, strong immune function, as well as overall cellular health.
    • Vitamin K2: Plays a key role in bone and cardiovascular health by regulating calcium deposition, ensuring calcium reaches the bones and preventing it from accumulating in the arteries.


    • Organ meats are especially potent sources of selenium – necessary for thyroid function and immune health.

    Heme Iron

    • Unlike non-heme iron from plants, heme-iron is readily bioavailable. Organ meats are one of the best sources of heme-iron to support your brain health, energy, exercise performance, and immune function.

    Niacin (Vitamin B3)

    • Vital for cardiovascular health, mood, cognition, and energy.

    What do Organ Meats Taste Like? 

    Organ meats offer a rich, unique flavor profile. Liver has a creamy texture with a slightly sweet, earthy taste. Hearts are tender and juicy with a mild, beefy flavor. 

    If you’re feeling squeamish about cooking with organ meats – don’t fret. With such a wide range of health benefits, let’s explore how to incorporate organ meats into your diet. 

    Start with REP’s 100% grass-fed and finished ground beef blended with 10 percent beef liver and heart. Create dishes you already know and love with the added nutritional benefits of organ meats. Shop our primal blend ground beef to effortlessly uplevel your diet.

    Feeling adventurous? Browse our selection of regenerative whole organ meats – from tongue to tail –  here

    Top 5 Considerations: Where to Shop Organ Meats?

    Sourcing top-quality organ meats is a must when it comes to health, safety, and environmental impact. Here are the top five most important factors to consider when shopping for organ meats.


    Nutrient Density

    Think quality over quantity. Regeneratively raised beef is more nutrient dense than organic or conventionally raised beef. Learn why regenerative beef is healthier, and get the best bang for your buck shopping REP.


    Toxin Accumulation 

    Toxins accumulate in the organs – making it especially important to purchase organ meats from animals raised in clean and natural environments.


    Animal Welfare and Environmental Impact 

    Buying organ meats from REP Provisions supports ethical animal welfare practices – these are animals actually raised on acres of green pasture. Through regenerative farming practices supported by science, we’re enhancing biodiversity, supporting American farmers, and sequestering carbon. This is meat that’s actually healing the planet. 


    Taste and Texture 

    Premium organ meats offer a superior taste and texture, making them a gourmet addition to your meals. Grass-fed and finished organ meats just taste better than grocery store beef – meaning less work to make your meals shine. See what our customers are saying and decide for yourself. 


    Safety Concerns 

    Regenerative 100% grass-fed and finished beef contains no antibiotics, no hormones, and no mRNA vaccines – just beef. Conventional farming’s usage of antibiotics and artificial growth hormones are a well-known threat to public health. 

    It’s also important to abide by the recommended intake guidelines, such as consuming between 100-250 grams of beef liver per week, to avoid potential health issues like vitamin A toxicity. Moderation ensures you reap the benefits without adverse effects.

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