Regenerative Ground Pork

Versatile & lean, clean pork for the whole family. Love this for our fried and steamed pork dumpling appetizers.

Regenerative Ground Pork, 1lb units
Listed weights are an average and may vary.

Pasture-Raised Pork, 100% Soy & Corn FreeNO Antibiotics, Hormones or mRNA2-Day Shipping & Safe Arrival Guarantee
Regenerative Ground Pork
From $29.90

Ground Pork

Ground pork is made by grinding various cuts of the pig, typically including the shoulder, belly, and trimmings. This versatile meat is prized for its balance of lean meat and fat, making it perfect for dishes like meatballs, tacos, or stir-frys.

Yes. Forest-Raised and Pasture-Raised pork has higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids (essential for health), and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which helps promote weight loss and burn fat cells while reducing appetite.

In addition, the micronutrients available in pastured pork are a lot more plentiful than in their conventional counterparts: some studies estimate 300% more Vitamin D, 200% more Vitamin E and 75% more selenium (Ohio State University).

FOREST/PASTURE-RAISED: Our pigs roam and eat pecans, walnuts, forbs, grasses - well pretty much anything! This natural diet and lifestyle comes through in the product. You can't get this kind of flavor and nutrition from confined animals eating corn based products.

DID YOU KNOW: An estimated 95% of pigs in America are raised on factory farms, living their entire lives inside metal buildings with concrete floors.

Pasture-raised pork generally tastes better because the pigs have a more varied diet, including roots, grasses, and other forage, while also getting plenty of exercise from roaming freely outdoors, leading to a richer, more complex flavor compared to conventionally raised pigs confined to a limited diet in factory farms.

Modern conventional pigs were bred for leanness and not flavor. Factory farmed pigs have literally had the flavor bred out of them so they could say they were "the other white meat". Our pigs are heritage breeds like durocs & berkshires, their meat is well marbled with flavorful fat caps.

Key points about pasture-raised pork:

  • Diverse diet: Pigs on pasture can forage for a variety of plants, providing a wider range of nutrients and flavors compared to a grain-only diet. 
  • Exercise: Constant movement from roaming outdoors builds muscle and contributes to a better meat texture. 
  • Stress reduction: A more natural environment with less confinement generally leads to less stress on the animal, impacting meat quality. 
  • Nutritional profile: Pasture-raised pork can be higher in omega-3 fatty acids, considered beneficial for human health. 

Our subscription option is there for your convenience and it does have some benefits.

• Subscribers SAVE 10% on every order. That adds up big over time. Your grocery store can't do that.
• We save back inventory for subscribing customers. What does that mean? It means you always get the cuts you want.
• We send an email 3 days prior to shipping so you can modify, edit, pause or skip.
• Lastly, there are no commitments. You can login and modify, edit, skip or cancel anytime.
• There is also a subscriber portal that has sales only available to subscribing customers.
• You receive your order on your schedule. It's just one less thing you have to remember.

• Once we have your order ready to ship, we use 2-Day UPS Shipping. Your package will arrive in 2-3 business days from the time it is shipped.
• We only ship on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and occasionally Thursdays.

Please reach out through our Chat Feature on the website and we will be able to answer this based on your order and your location.

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We guarantee that your order will arrive safe and cold to the home address on your account when the orders is first placed. We at REP Provisions stand behind our farmers, our products and our service.

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The Choice is Clear.

95% of U.S. Pork is Raised Indoors on Concrete Floors. Our Pigs Have Never Seen Concrete and we're proud of that.
REP Provisions
Grocery Stores
Pasture-raised heritage breed pigs raised humanely on open pastures and wooded areas, with holistic regenerative principles.

ONE FOR 100 Initiative

For every box sold we sow 100 milkweed plants. Milkweed is critical for Monarch Butterflies to survive and complete their migration.

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The only place where you can see & follow your food on social and look at the lab results yourself. We think you should know about the things you put in your body.

Noone Has Pork as Good as This.


Wow! Trust me when I tell you we have purchased our meats from local farms for years and not one has had pork as good as this! 🤤 All of it sooooo good!! Will be ordering more when my freezer space clears out!

Katherine S. - Verified Customer